The Development of the Copthorne Neighbourhood Plan

Consultation on the Submission (Regulation 16) version of the Copthorne Neighbourhood Plan is taking place from the 9th of February until the 24th of March 2021.

If you would like to comment you can do this at or email

A Steering Group consisting of local volunteers, on behalf of Worth Parish Council, are preparing a Neighbourhood Plan for Copthorne & Worth Ward. The Copthorne Neighbourhood Plan will, once ‘made’, be part of the Development Plan for the area and be used in the determination of planning applications.

The group prepared a draft plan and put it out to consultation under Regulation 14 of the Town & Country Planning, England, Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) between 6th March and 28th April 2017. Unfortunately in seeking to update the plan in response to the comments received it became apparent that considerable changes were required to the plan before it could proceed and additional evidence required to support the proposed policies.

This page provides information on meetings, documents prepared to date, the timeline and other relevant and useful information.

Should you wish to get involved in the plan preparation process please get in touch by emailing or phoning the clerk on the number below.