Copthorne Recreation Ground Rejuvenation

We have exciting plans to rejuvenate Copthorne Recreation Ground

Our plan is to completely revamp the playground by doubling its size, improving the design and layout and creating a space that is inclusive of our community.

With the support of Sports and Play Consultancy Ltd we obtained an initial design for the new playground. We also obtained plans for a new MUGA (multi use games area) to support various sports including recreational football, basketball and others.

Since then, we have added plans to provide a new car park at the front of the recreation ground to provide much needed car parking spaces for MUGA users and the village.

It is expected that once completed, it will also provide space for pop-up stalls, so creating the opportunity for mini markets in future too.

The Story So Far

· Drop-In Sessions - We wanted our community to have their say about our initial proposals and to tell us what they thought about the plans, so we held drop-in sessions in September and November 2023 at The Parish Hub in Copthorne.

· Planning Application – After obtaining all the necessary reports, we applied for Planning Permission for the changes. Whilst this took far longer to approve than anticipated, we were pleased to receive planning approval on 20th August 2024. Our application is available to view via the Mid Sussex District Council planning portal. Search for the application using the reference DM/23/2251.

· Removal of Existing Play Equipment - Unfortunately in the meantime the existing playground equipment had exceeded its expected lifespan and got to the stage where no amount of maintenance could stop it being considered a health and safety issue. Understandably, our priority has to be to prevent any possible danger to the children using the playground. This meant the decision was taken to remove the vast majority of the equipment, however the swings remain available for use.

What’s Happening Now?

We are now working on fulfilling the pre-construction planning conditions, the main one being drainage of the site. A drainage plan is currently being finalised, which will inform each area of work and enable us to liaise with contractors already identified and go out to tender where required for others.


We have secured £164,300 of Section 106 monies from Mid Sussex District Council for the development of the MUGA (multi-use games area). Section 106 monies are monies put aside by developers to provide community infrastructure.

Sadly, despite applying for funding from the National Lottery, the SUEZ Grant or the Community Ownership Fund, we were not successful in our bids.

Once the drainage design work has been completed and we have the tenders for the drainage and car park we can apply for the next tranche of Section 106 monies and finalise the funding for the play area. This will then enable us to confirm the timetable for works to take place.

From this


Current photo of Copthorne Rec Playground

To this


Copthorne Rec Playground Design