Copthorne Neighbourhood Plan
Published: 15 November 2024
In September 2021, the Copthorne Neighbourhood Plan (CNP) was adopted by Mid Sussex District Council. The CNP includes planning policies that form part of the development plan, and these are used in determining planning applications in Copthorne. As the CNP was adopted in 2021, Worth Parish Council have decided to undertake a review of the CNP to ensure that it is up to date and reflects the needs of Copthorne and its community.
For the first part of this review, Worth Parish
Council are running a consultation aimed at local groups and organisations, who may be affected by the policies in the CNP. We are looking to understand where the existing policies could be improved, provide more clarity, are hard to interpret/utilise due to the current wording. The consultation will commence on Monday 11th November 2024 and will end on Monday 3rd December 2024. It can be found by following the link at would greatly appreciate your response to the consultation as it will help us to update the CNP and help to shape the future of Copthorne.
If you have any queries in relation to the consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Copthorne Neighbourhood Plan